OSHA has just announced it is partially reopening the record on the rulemaking for the permanent healthcare COVID-19 standard known as the rule on Occupational Exposure to COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings. For more information please see this post at our OSHA Law Blog.
OSHA Provides Guidance for Healthcare Employers COVID-19 Inspections
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) recent Updated Interim Enforcement Response Plan for COVID-19 (Response Plan) was issued on the same day it announced its National Emphasis Program (NEP). Healthcare employers will continue to be a target of OSHA’s inspection efforts pursuant to the NEP. The Response Plan provides directions for OSHA compliance officers…
OSHA Launches Webpage Addressing Preventing Workplace Violence in Healthcare
The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has launched a webpage to provide employers and workers with strategies and resources for preventing workplace violence in healthcare settings.
The development of this webpage follows OSHA’s update to its Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers (see our April 2015 report).
OSHA Issues New Guidelines on Workplace Violence Prevention for Healthcare
OSHA’s recent update to its Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers may be of particular interest to healthcare employers. Additional information about these updated guidelines can be found in this post on the Jackson Lewis OSHA Law Blog.
New York State Extends Prohibition Of Smoking To Outdoor Areas Around Healthcare Facilities
A new law has taken effect in New York State prohibiting smoking within 15 feet of a hospital or residential health care facility entrance or exit. The law specifically permits smoking by “a patient or a visitor or guest of a patient of a residential health care facility” in a specially designated area on the…
Health Care Personnel in New York Must Get Flu Vaccination or Wear a Mask
Click here for the full article that appeared on Jackson Lewis’ website this week.
OSHA to Target Nursing Homes and Residential Care Facilities with Programmed Inspections
OSHA recently announced a new enforcement program targeting nursing home and residential care facilities. The program, effective a week-and-a-half ago, focuses OSHA compliance officers on inspecting nursing homes and assisted living facilities. More info. is available on Jackson Lewis’ OSHA Law Blog at the following link: http://www.oshalawblog.com/
OSHA to Nursing Homes: Prepare for Inspection
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) recently reiterated its intention to begin aggressively inspecting nursing homes and other residential care facilities in the next few months. Its “Nursing Home National Emphasis Program” was instituted in response to reports of increased and above-average rates of injuries and illnesses among hospital and…
Washington has become the first state in the nation to require protection for healthcare workers who handle, administer and dispose of chemotherapy drugs.
This new law addresses concerns raised both by OSHA and NIOSH, which recommend that precautions be taken when handling these drugs. OSHA calls for development and implementation of a “Hazardous Drug Safety…